Workshop on 15 March 2022
We gathered on March 15, 2022 for the first meeting with most participant present at CEREGE, Aix en Provence, since the beginning of the project ! We were almost 20 persons from, for the French participants, ISTerre, Geosciences Montpelier and IRSN, and for the Italian partners, INGV, Chieti University and University Roma Tre. Additional colleagues were logged in remotely and participated both actively in the presentations and in discussions. This workshop was important for the communication between participants of the project and to decide what would be the next steps to better interact between WPs.
The workshop was divided in three parts with several presentations in the morning allowing to discuss the main hypothesis concerning the context of the Apennines, and some specific areas we study. In the afternoon, the participants split in three sub-groups to discuss more effectively on short term objectives transverse to the WPs. We finish this existing day by a one-hour plenary session to finalize the outcomes of the sub-groups discussions and define the next actions to be taken.